Kamis, 29 November 2018

NBC Bay Area Tweeted: RT @LauraGarciaNBC: Flooding Hits Butte County...

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NBC Bay Area
RT @LauraGarciaNBC: Flooding Hits Butte County Area Scarred By Camp Fire
Melania Trump
"... I believe education and learning is key to making the right decisions on your own behalf."
Ellen DeGeneres
I could give gifts away with @JLo all day. Enter to win today's gifts on @ellentube! #12Days ellentube.com/12days
John Legend
The next best thing to a real kiss from Luna is one through #GoogleDuo. #ad #ALegendaryChristmas
L.A. Times: L.A. Now
Gloria Katz, 'American Graffiti' screenwriter and 'Star Wars' script doctor, dies at 76
The Wall Street Journal
Many travel to the Italy's Langhe for the wine, but the food is at least as worthy of exploration
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